Tuesday 29 April 2008

"I'll Miss You Tomorrow" By John Aranda

A Sound Installation for Area 10's Blackroom.

Act I

Hellos (For Bruce Nauman)

Laughter & Crying (For David Lynch)

Oh No/Oh Yes (For M.C. Schmidt & Drew Daniels)

Act II

A Style That Grates (For Andy Warhol)

I Can Hear A Symphony (For Gertrude Stein)

I'll Miss You Tomorrow (For Yoko Ono)


Proposals (For Your Collective)
Fools (For John Cale & Lou Reed)

Performed by: Helen MacBain, Chereen Buckley, Richard O'Grady, Sarah Drinkwater & John Aranda
Contains excerpts from "Grapefruit" written by Yoko Ono and "Style it Takes" & "The Trouble with Classicists" written by John Cale and Lou Reed